My Oldest turned 14, isn't she beautiful?

We got a new table and chairs! Table $50.00 from antique store. Chairs $1.00 a piece from Garage Sale, need to be recovered, but what a great deal! Look at the base of the table, how ATOMIC age can you get???? It totally matches our ceiling fan! YEAH!

Spring Has Sprung......My Lillies first blooms!

Flower boxes planted and painted!

My Makeup Table before: Chaos & UGLY!

My Makeup Table After: Organized and Lovely

Tablecloth is an old Laura Ashley Sheet. Lamp from Goodwill that my Jaded J fixed. Soup Tureen ,Old Platter, Cream Pitcher, antiques given to me by my mom, so I finally found a use for them. Fruit Crate from awhile ago that I used a book shelf before, and now it stores my nail polish and extras. The make up mirror, another garage sale find. It sells for $110.00 at Bed Bath & Beyond, I got it for $5.00!!!!!!!!
Joan update.....She gets to go HOME early next week! Can you believe it? She is walking (still with a walker). She can go up the stairs, and has learned to get back into a car. She promised me that she would do NOTHING for the rest of summer but rest and be a lady of leisure.
Life is pretty damn good....!
Oeeee...Madre de Dios, I am tired...fix this...fix that...haul that...pick up sticks. No mas! No mas! Quiero la Tequilla...woman!
Oh if I only understood Spanish. Anywho.....all you did was point and say...."WOMAN, do as I bid"....truly I most put upon.
Bitter, bitter.
Har...undie is the word verification.
Georgia, que le des la tequila a Jaded J, ahora mismo mujer! hee hee! How I'm giggling right now! The translation would be "Georgia, give Jaded J the tequila right now, woman!: I loved this post, Georgia! For so many of which, how lovely is your daughter! She has your smile! And may I say, what wonderful purchases! That table has a 60's vibe which is wonderful! The lamp is just lovely. It so whimsical and romantic! As for Joan, yipee! I'm so glad you're friend is on the mend, and that summer plan sounds perfect! :)
She is beautiful! And so is that table. Very 50s :)
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