Gah, I have had writers block lately.
I have been crocheting a new wrap for winter, because the inner geek in me loves the one that Duchess Kate was shown wearing after the wedding to Prince William. I love the color especially! Anyway, the color of mine is more olive, and truth be told looks nothing like hers, because I was too lazy to do a triangle, and the ruffle on the outside is beyond my skill set at the present time. Mine is probably better classified as a glorified scarf.

I am going to try to expand my abilities with starting a crocheted sweater. I actually found a pattern that was sized from xs-5x, so I won't have to try to adjust a too small pattern (which I know I am not up to). I found a fellow crocheter (is that a word?) at work, and she is going to do a crochet a long with me. YEAH! I have been trying to learn how to knit, but so far it eludes me. I get the knit stitch, the purl stitch....ehhhh not so much. My mom has been trying to teach me, and apparently I knit too tightly, which is frustrating for her and for me. So while I struggle with the knitting, I wanted to do another project that would keep me off of the computer.
If this turns out and is somewhat presentable, I will not pose in my new sweater with a smug smile. That model annoys me, but the sweater is dang cute! I also need to find my yarn selection, I am hoping to find a iced blue green, or greyed blue green. *SIGH* There I go again with the grey, oh well.
These have been some of the things occupying my time. I have also had my girls start school, and work has been busy. I have had no great ideas for posts, my little blog has suffered. Maybe with rediscovering my crochet, etc. this will lead to more posts. I hope so, because I love reading comments.
I am knitter and crocheter too!
About your shirt - I don't know if you already know this or not - for knits you need a ball point needle, and use a zig zag stitch, on the machine. I hope that helps.
Take care, doll.
Georgia, sometimes taking a break from our blogs is not a bad thing! It serves to give us new perspective as well as come up with new topics to discuss. I think that while your crocheting project looks ambitious, you have what it takes to accomplish it! I would love to see a photo of you in your finished project! Please! What a treat and an inspiration to all us ladies who don't know the difference between one stitch from the next or if something is knitted or crocheted! :)
I had NO idea about a ball point needle, so I will definitely try that! I just thought it was my old machine, but maybe that will be the golden ticket to making it work!
I have found I am not good at just sitting. I like to have something to do, or I like to take a nap! LOL! So hopefully my project turns out, and it will inspire me to keep going.
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