Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stripe Fascination Conundrum

I have been fascinated by striped tights for quite awhile now. I don't know how this all started, or why. I have run the idea by my soon to be 14 year old, she squealed with disgust at the thought of me wearing them. I have never mentioned them to Jaded J, but I am sure some witch inference would spit from his salty tongue.

Yet, with all of the objection....I still want them.

Today, I was looking through my blogs I follow and there was Lilli from Frocks & Frou Frou wearing the cutest outfit with striped tights. Here is the link. It made me want them all the more, because I have that basic outfit, except the tights. Of course Lilli is young and is way more than hip than me, so she can pull it off. But....I can't help but think that I would be darn cute in them too.

So what are your thoughts?

And one more blogger who pulled them off with panache, here.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obama Fashion Moment

I love the Royals, as I have stated in the post about the Royal wedding. I also like the Obama's, but this is not a political blog, so I won't go into that.

I am in enthralled by the dress Mrs. Obama wore to meet the royals. It is by designer Barbara Tfank. I couldn't even begin to afford the original, but I am hoping someday I can find someone to make a knockoff in plus size, at a reasonable price. My favorite part is the color, that icy blue aqua. I think Mrs. Obama can pull off the pink jacket, I am not sure if I would wear it that way. I think a cute beaded white, or barely cream cardigan would be more my style.

After really looking at the pictures again, I know why I am so enamoured with this dress. It reminds me of the dress that Gidget wears at the end of the movie, when Moon Doggy pins her on the beach. I tried in vain to find a picture of this dress, or any dress that Sandra Dee wore in that movie, all pictures showed Sally Field, darn!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Smoother Sailing.......

My wonderful, beautiful friend Joan has gotten to come back home, well at least to our hometown.

She is currently in a rehab hospital, learning to walk again. But she is close, and she is doing fantastic in all other ways.

Last night I went to see her. I had such a visceral reaction to seeing her coherent, and talking, and aware, I burst into tears. She burst into tears. We were both so happy to see each other, to get that second chance to say "I love you", "I missed you". She is a miracle.

Her smile, was the balm I needed. I found the peace I sought since she went into the hospital. I know this sounds sappy, but I can't describe my feelings in any other way. I have been on a high ever since, because anything seems possible. I can see the joy.

Here is to second chances, sometimes given directly, sometimes lived vicariously through others.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wedded Bliss

I will admit that I am a fan of the royal family. So I got up at 4:00 on Friday morning, and watched the wedding. One of my favorite memories of my childhood, was getting up at the same time to watch Charles and Diana's wedding with my mom. It was a true mother and daughter moment. I was 10 years old, and that wedding will forever be the "fairytale" brought to life for me. I fell in love with the dress, the tiara, the pageantry, everything. I know that many people think that Diana's dress was the epitome of 1980's fashion, big over the top, etc. But, I think her dress was timeless. Perhaps it is the 10 year old in me still that hangs on to it.

I always watched with interest her mothering of her boys, and they seemed to truly adore her, despite being born in a fishbowl. So I was eager to watch her oldest get married, and I hope for his sake that his marriage is built on love.

The wedding on Friday was beautiful. I got to share it with my oldest daughter. Maybe 30 years from now she will watch his children get married with her family.

Every once and while it is nice to think that fairytale's come true.