Monday, February 14, 2011

My First OOTD.....

My darling daughter took my pictures today. I didn't know what to do with my arms, or legs, or head. I felt goofy. But, I am overcoming a major hurdle of looking at myself, and I hope you like what I wore.

Dress:Target From 2 or so years ago, I only paid $7.00 for it on clearance!

Shoes:Clarks Bought last year at Dillard's for $17.00, can you tell I love a bargain?????

Jacket:Yours Bought this year, on sale, and it fit perfectly! My favorite part is that it can be tied, so it doesn't always fall back.

Tights: Avenue


jadedj said...

You leave me...breathlessa.

Nicole said...

Cute outfit! I love the printed dress and your shoes. Clarks for $17.00? What a steal!

I really love your hair too. I'm due to get mine cut soon.

Congrats on your first outfit post!