I have been decadent this weekend. I have gone on a major shopping binge. We (my husband and I) don't buy each other xmas presents, or birthday presents anymore. We wait...and wait....for tax return time. We always make sure our daughters have a fantastic xmas, but we about that time we begin plotting our "binge". We are good and frugal, all the year round. But in late January we give in and just spend, I like to look at it as helping the economy (I know....I am rationalizing bad behavior away.)I am looking forward to my internet purchases the most, I love getting packages. I have 5 coming, Torrid, Avenue, SWAK (thanks Bombshell for the tip),Yours clothing from the UK, and Old Navy. Lots of great deals, and coupons were sent to me via email offers, and I have been filling my virtual shopping carts at these sites for months. I also got some new unmentionables at my local Avenue store, nothing like new from the bottom up.
But our major purchases this year have been a new gas stove, washer and dryer. The stove we have is functional, and it is about 4 years old. But it was the cheapest gas stove we could find at the time, and now we have the ability to step it up a bit. Granted we still can't afford a Viking, but this is going to be a bit more study and has some extras that will come in handy. For instance, it has a warming drawer, that can be controlled with a temp dial. It also has 5 burners, the middle one being long and oblong, and it has a griddle insert. The washing machine is not a front load, which we looked at, but disregarded, as I hate the idea of paying for the pedestal, and it wouldn't work in our laundry room anyway. The washer does not have an agitator, and is basically like a front load, on loads on top like the traditional washers of yesteryear. The dryer has a cool feature, it has a sweater drying rack, which will be great for drying my daughters Chucks, and of course my sweaters.
We got to eat out alot this weekend too, which was a great treat for us. But....now we have spent our wad, and we are saving the rest for our rainy day account. Oh yeah, I didn't mention I got a new lap top. So now that I am finally not sharing my computer with three other people, I am hoping that blogging, and maybe in the future vlogging will be easier. I am putzzing around with my webcam, and I hope to give a review of my new purchases that are currently being routed to me now. Especially the Yours stuff and Old Navy stuff. The Yours because of the british sizing difference and the Old Navy because the reviews on their site always make me think that their stuff is really iffy, the shirts being too thin is a common complaint. I showed my thirteen year old and she approved of everything, which made me feel good, as she has a good eye, and especially a good eye for clothes on me.
So this is my favorite time of year.....thank you Uncle Sam.